The Redesign


As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve just finished a little redesign of the site. I’m still working out some of the kinks but for the most part I like it. Since I’m on a fast connection though, I’m not sure how it loads on dual-up when compared to the old version. I’d really appreciate if you can provide me with some feedback as to how it’s running on your computer. I hope you enjoy it.



2 responses to “The Redesign”

  1. your email never came homeslice. it’s looking pretty slick. on my iBook LCD the background is a little too pea-soup green. for your theme i would go more with a light light brown color and have the highlights be a deep green or blue. also the drop shadow on the top right looks a little jagged. i love the logo. what might be hot is a very faded jungle/tree background behind the text and for the bird to sit on. faded to white around the edges. rock. i gotta call you soon. hey i just got in touch with BMC. i think he lives here in portland.

  2. Thanks Matt…yeah, the pea soup effect was not evident on my laptop. I checked it on my desktop and got sick, so now it’s….khaki? 😉


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