No Migration Detected

The current time is 1:29am and it’s raining cats and dogs.
Migration has been shut down tonight due to bad weather. This means two things: 1. No new birds will be showing up tomorrow (except for local movements). 2. No birds will be leaving tonight (ie, you have a second chance to find the ones you missed today).

Here’s the radar from sunset last night until 1:00am this morning. Yes, that’s a wall of rain, and Yes, it extends all the way down the eastern seaboard.

After the passing of tonight’s front winds will switch to Northwest, and eventually to the Northeast over the weekend. This trend is will continue until the middle of next week when the next system is forecast to approach our area. Expect a shutdown of the migration until favorable conditions reappear. Now is the time to get those CD’s out and start refreshing your memory on songs and flight calls!


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