The Raptors and Owls of Georgia

The Raptors and Owls of Georgia

Originally uploaded by woodcreeper.

Rafael‘s most recent field guide, to the Raptors and Owls of Georgia, was published last week. I finally received my copy this morning and I can’t put it down. Rafael captures the essence of each raptor and owl he illustrates, both individually, and within the context of their respective habitat. For the raptors, there are flight illustrations for each species, sex, and age, providing maximum coverage of the range of possible encounters in the field. Packed with 447 illustrations covering 45 species, this book is still only 128 pages and easily fits in a back pocket of a pair of field pants. For anyone interested in raptors and curious about visiting this region, this book is a must. For anyone else who simply loves illustrated field guides, this one is sure to spend more time on your nightstand and less on your bookshelf. For more information visit the Georgian Center for the Conservation of Wildlife website. The book can be purchased here.


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