Quail Hunting School

Sandra sent me a great online game. This is really a riot…

Click here to go to Quail Hunting School


5 responses to “Quail Hunting School”

  1. Hi there,

    I was just wondering when you’ll start posting radar analysis for this spring’s migration.

  2. I just started downloading images tonight- but will wait until it picks up a bit before posting. Thanks for checking it.

  3. David,

    Did you look at radars in the Tennessee and Ohio river areas last night? It sure looked like migration to me. First sign of a major movement that I have seen this season. But wait, it could just be the infamous temperature inversions that only seem to occur during the periods of major nocturnal migrations.

    But what the heck would I know?


  4. shut up Noel. 🙂
    No- of course you’re right- there was a good push on the night of the 9th on the East Coast. I didn’t check the 8th, but if the front was moving across the US from west to east, it would make sense.
    Bring it On!


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