Early Birds on the Move

Here we go! Last night the radar lit up from north Florida all the way up to New Jersey. Winds were light out of the South and precipitation was mixed with patches of clear sky making for good migration conditions. Here’s the radar from sunset, last night, through 5:30am this morning. The velocity indicates that movement across the radar’s view was from the southwest to the northeast and at speeds consistent with bird migration. The base reflectivity shows birds entering the radar just after sunset with the heaviest movement just after midnight. Precipitation is also shown in the radar, as the more solid colored bands moving from west to east.
Okay, now to get in a few hours of birding before I have to study!

Base Reflectivity image from Fort Dix Base Velocity image from Fort Dix

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One response to “Early Birds on the Move”

  1. Yard List for today:
    Very high numbers of Dark-eyed Juncos, singing their heads off and chasing each other
    WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW (single female)
    CHIPPING SPARROW (several, two singing)
    Golden-crowned Kinglet
    Downy, Hairy, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, and N. Flicker
    Carolina AND Black-capped Chickadee (both singing…they’re going to drive me crazy when I start doing point-count surveys!)
    AMERICAN WOODCOCK (3 – displaying in the mowed fields behind the house – awesome)


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