More birds – no foolin’!

Another night of southerly winds means birds were on the move. Here’s the radar from sunset last night through sunrise this morning. Although not as massive a flight as two nights ago, last night was still impressive.
Base Reflectivity image from Fort Dix Base Velocity image from Fort Dix
The cold front can be seen pushing in from the west and cutting off migration in the early hours of the morning. For this reason, I think the interior ridges might be an interesting place to check first thing today (Garret Mn., Chimney Rock, etc.).

and for tonight’s forecast: Go George Mason!

2 responses to “More birds – no foolin’!”

  1. Don’t ignore the “big migration” posts just because it’s April 1st- The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Birdsong this morning, at least in the piedmont- and likely in the actual hills. I’ve posted the radar and my forecast on, but I just got back from a walk around the property and was thrilled with the number and diversity of birds this morning. Here’s a quick (and incomplete) list of the migrants, with new arrivals first:

    EASTERN WOOD PEEWEE (possibly arrived yesterday as I thought I heard a faint call but couldn’t confirm; several definitely confirmed this morning)
    PINE WARBLER (several singing in the woods, I know they’ve been everywhere else, but they just got here!)

    Hermit Thrush (at one point had 4 birds calling, then two singing- awesome!)
    Eastern Towhee
    Northern Flicker (all over the place – the most common sound in the woods)
    Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
    Field Sparrow
    Yellow-rumped Warbler
    Golden-crowned Kinglet (many more than recently; must have come on this new wave)
    Tree Swallow (already occupying boxes, same with Bluebirds)
    Eastern Bluebird
    Cooper’s Hawk (nice, close adult male over the garden on the way in)

    now i’m on the way back out to see what else is around…

    good birding



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