Passed my quals!

WOOOOOHOOOOO!! I’m now a PhD Candidate!…okay, back to work. 😉

8 responses to “Passed my quals!”

  1. Congratulations! Now, take the next 3 weeks off to do “research.”

  2. Thank you, thank you- it’s a relief to be through that hoop.

    hehe…yes…scouting for the WSOB should count as research!

  3. Congrats! A major hurdle. Good luck on the next challenge. Speaking from personal experience, a dissertation cannot be any good if it hasn’t been fueled (in part) by the occasional beer.

  4. I’m very happy for you. And can’t tell you enough how much I love this site!! I tell every birder I meet in the field.

  5. Congrats, David. I’m impressed you maintained the quality of this site through the stress of quals. You rock!


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