Woohoo! Here’s the radar from sunset last night through 5am this morning. The whole Northeastern US experienced high nocturnal migration last night, from Caribou, ME down to Cape May, NJ. Because of thunderstorms over the Delmarva peninsula, there was a noticeable break along the eastern seaboard south of New Jersey (the remnants of Tropical Storm Ernesto further reduced east coast migration from Florida northward). High levels of migration were also seen along the central flyway from the Great Lakes all the way down to the Texas coast. Because there was no direct precipitation over New Jersey to cause localized fallout conditions, birds are expected to be distributed throughout the landscape, making known “migrant traps” the best bet this morning. Garret Mountain, Sandy Hook, Cape May and the northern bay shore are all good choices.
Good Birding
One response to “Big migration over the Garden State”
They must have landed somewhere!!