
The climb
After finally finishing a manuscript (that was due a month ago), I rewarded myself by attempting to make one of my favorite Italian dishes- Gnocchi. I visited the Valley Shepherd Creamery last weekend after my banjo lessons, and picked up a tub of fresh Ricotta cheese. Then, following the way-too-easy directions on my new favorite recipe site, I had at it. The garden is booming these days, so I was able to use fresh basil and tomatoes, as well as the first of our garlic crop to make the sauce. The ricotta was spectacular- and I think probably had more to do with perfecting the Gnocchi than I did. Anyway, it was REALLY easy- and REALLY delicious (and REALLY impressive- which means I’ll tuck that one away for a night with guests). Just make sure not to overwork the dough, and to drain the ricotta as much as possible beforehand- and the result is fluffy, buttery, beautiful little gnocchi….damn….we ate it all.



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