Tough call last night…

No time to do a real interpretation of the radar…heading out for some birthday fishing…but a brief look at the radar indicated that most movement was e–>w…I can’t rule out birds, but it seems unlikely. I’ll catch up tomorrow morning, until then, good birding!

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2 responses to “Tough call last night…”

  1. Birthday fishing, eh?

    Do they prefer minnows or worms? Maybe you’ll tie into some stripers, too.

    I hear that a birthday fillet, grilled and then drizzled with a little lemon and seasoned salt, is delish!

    Happy Birthday, La Puma!

  2. Morning Flight: no wind, clear conditions, 6:30AM – 8:30AM, direction of flight: North
    Counter: Sam Galick

    Ruby-throated Hummingbird- 4
    Tennessee Warbler- 1
    Cape May Warbler- 1
    Black-throated Blue Warbler- 2
    Black and White Warbler- 1
    American Redstart- 13
    Northern Waterthrush- 14
    Warbler sp.- 3
    Bobolink- 54
    Baltimore Oriole- 9

    Total birds: 101

    Notes: A very slow day, Bobolinks accounted for half of the total species. A Least Flycatcher perched for a few seconds today.


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