Heavy migration truncated by Nor’easter

Unfortunately my radar feed went down during the storm last night, but after watching the real-time radar this morning, I can see what went down. Migration was heavy just after sunset last night with most birds heading due south, or slightly southeasterly on north/northwest winds. As the frontal boundary associated with the strengthening nor’easter made its way across the region during the night, heavy rain caused birds to land across the mid-Atlantic. As the front crossed Central NJ around midnight, the peak of migration, these areas and points east will see the most dramatic fallout conditions. Garret Mountain, Chimney Rock and the Delaware Bay shore will be good bets this morning, as well as Cape May where birds appeared to be funneling into as the storm passed.

It’ll be very interesting to know what people see out there today, so if you get a chance, please report back.

Good Birding


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