No migration last night & winterizing the website

Nothing was moving last night over the mid-Atlantic last night as we remain entrenched in the southerlies from a large low over southern Canada.

As you might have figured out by now, my posting has gotten a little inconsistent over the last week. A bunch of things ranging from the trials of raising two kids, lots of work building up before our big move to Wisconsin in December, and my wife trying to finish her PhD dissertation before we leave, have all made it next to impossible to keep up with on a daily basis. I’m just glad I got through the ‘busy season’ of September! So, I’m going to call it a season right now and reserve the right to post updates during peak migration events only. You have several very painless options if you want immediate notification of a new post. 1) subscribe to the RSS feed for the site, 2) ‘follow me’ on Twitter (@woodcreeper) and/or 3) ‘friend’ our Facebook page here. Every time I ‘tweet’ about migration (which includes every time I update this site), it automatically updates on the Facebook site.

As is customary this time of year, I will pass the hat around to pay the bills.

The community that has formed around this site over the last eight years has been astounding. You are the reason it works as well as it does, and your contributions are what has kept me going on many a blurry-eyed morning. Now I’m looking to YOU to help keep online.

You can use the Paypal button below to join the Woodcreeper Flock:

Or, if you’d rather not use Paypal, you may send a check or money order to the following address:

David La Puma
500 Fern Rd
Villas, NJ 08251

The idea here is to keep going for the “long haul” by making it self sustainable. As of right now I don’t know whether I will continue running next year, at least in the format that you’ve recognized over the last 7 years. Moving to Wisconsin may mean a change of focus for the website, or may just mean that it sits idle for awhile; as a reference for migration events between 2004 and 2011. Either way I still need to pay the hosting fees which support all of the online storage and serving of the data to each of us. Feel free to contact me via email (david AT or via snail-mail at the above address with any comments or suggestions; I always enjoy hearing from you.

Cheers, and Good Birding,

3 responses to “No migration last night & winterizing the website”

  1. Hi David

    So sorry to read that you will be leaving NJ in December for Wisconsin. Will miss your website alot. We will miss your sage advice on when and where to go birding during migration times Enjoyed seeing you and your family in the field. Glad I was able to get you to do a program for Monmouth County Audubon. Sorry we won’t be able to have you do another program in the future. Good luck to you in your move and new jobs for you and your wife.
    Guess you all are now going to become “cheeseheads”

    best regards,

    Wendy and Stuart

  2. Good luck David! I look forward to learning about Wisconsin migration!

    • Thanks Sandy! We’ll miss NJ, but you will definitely need to come up and visit Wisconsin… plenty of boreal birds to chase in the north 😉


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