Waiting for the Neotrops…
You gotta love Louisiana. From the LABirds listserve: This morning as I stepped out onto the back porch I immediately heard the familiar call of the Prothonotary Warbler. I retrieved my binoculars from within and a few moments later I spotted it exploring the spare tire on my wife’s car under our car port. This […]
Big migration in the Mid-Atlantic
Birds are on the move tonight- fighting some serious easterly winds to stay on their northerly course.It’s pretty cool to watch! Birds from Eastern Virginia are getting pushed inland, so the jury is still out as towhether we’ll see a major influx into South Jersey by morning. Birds do appear to be coming in to […]
Birds over Jerze
After the front passed last night, birds took to the air all across the mid-Atlantic. Densities were lower than the last few nights, which is probably a reflection of the number of birds that are “migration-ready”. Local densities will likely have decreased due to the exodus, but birding conditions should remain good given the moderate […]
Some migration "down south”
NEXRAD radar image(s) [KDOX BREF1] Birds are moving across the Delmarva heading toward Cape May, while the line of storms marks the division between favorable (to the south) and unfavorable (to the north) migration conditions. Blogged with Flock
Big northeast migration
Birds were migrating last night, from Florida all the way up through New Jersey. Winds aloft were favorable for migration, and even though a line of thunderstorms was draped over New Jersey, birds appeared unfazed. The winds above and below the frontal line were relatively similar, making it possible for birds to push through the […]