Big BIIIIIGGGGGG Migration tonight
The radar is ablaze all up and down the east coast- probably the largest movement yet this Spring. Go Birding. West wind makes Sandy Hook a good bet.
No Migration – GO BIRDING!
Sounds counter-intuitive, doesn’t it…well, since so many birds made it here two nights ago, and there was no major migration last night, you can pretty much count on seeing some good birds today. In fact, many places get better the day after a good push, as birds concentrate in good habitat, etc. Go Birding! Cheers […]
Big Migration!
Big Migration Last night all up and down the east coast. Winds were all over the place depending on what altitude you looked at, and the velocity reflects that (no straight south –> north direction). No weather to bring the birds down, but as you can tell from the decreasing size of the signal after […]
No migration
Last night was quiet over New Jersey, as north winds to our south kept migrants from moving. The Central flyway was a different story, but it looks like we’ll have to wait a few days before we have some favorable weather again.
Migration? Yes. Radar? No.
No radar downloaded last night…booooooooo! Definitely some migration last night though… Not much going on tonight. Enjoy the birds that are around! 🙂