More birds – no foolin’!
Another night of southerly winds means birds were on the move. Here’s the radar from sunset last night through sunrise this morning. Although not as massive a flight as two nights ago, last night was still impressive. The cold front can be seen pushing in from the west and cutting off migration in the early […]
Big migration over Jerze
Okay, here’s the radar from sunset last night through sunrise this morning. Big migration last night, as you can probably tell from my earlier post. Birds are seen lifting off in the typical fashion, then moving across the radar in an even distribution owing to the perfect weather conditions (southerly tailwind, clear skies for navigation, […]
Big Migration tonight!
It’s happening all across the east coast- a huge migration event, the first great one of the season! I’ll post the radar in the morning, but Garret Mt., Sandy Hook, Cape May…yeah, they’ll have birds. Good Birding
Migration over Jersey
Alright! This is more like it. Here’s the radar from sunset last night through around 3:30am this morning (at which point either the radar feed or the Rutgers server crapped out, I’m still not sure). The radar shows some heavy migration over the Garden State last night, as was also the case for the rest […]
Woah…here comes the big one!
This evening the Central Flyway flood gates are wide open, while the Eastern Flyway seems to have left the barn door swinging in the breeze as well. Here’s a still image from 11:30pm this evening showing the national composite. The southerly flow that’s occurring across our area right now should persist through the end of […]