Memories of Devin’s Big Spill
Devin Originally uploaded by woodcreeper We (Blake, Ben, etc.) hadn’t seen Devin for quite a while until recently, when we ran into him at Doll’s Place, a local bar with a less-than-friendly bartender (a story for another day). I was reminded of his bike-cop-curb-2:30am accident that occurred back in 2004. It’s good to see that […]
The “e” Word
Charles Darwin Stickers, originally uploaded by Colin Purrington. Okay, so call me juvenile (go ahead, seriously, it won’t be the first time), but I’m practically falling out of my chair while surfing Colin Purrington’s website. He’s got a whole page of Evolution Outreach Projects ranging from hillarious textbook stickers (a spoof on the actual textbook […]
Upgrade to WordPress 2.0
I’ve just upgraded the site to WordPress version 2.0. So far the only changes to the front-end are that my images are stacked on top of one another instead of separate side-by-side….oh well. You can still click on them and get the radar loops. Anyway, it has been awhile since I posted, which usually happens […]
Halloween Migration
AGHHHH! (whew, sorry, the radar scared me again…I’m over it now). Another fright-night of migration, with clear skies and light tailwinds. Not as much as the previous night, but still birds on the move. Like I said a few days ago, diversity has peaked and is dwindling, so I’m gonna pull the plug on the […]
Halloween-eve – SCARY MIGRATION!
Massive Monster Migration two nights ago! I’m sorry it took me so long to post- but I was up in Sussex taking the hunter education course yesterday. Here’s the radar anyway…pretty impressive. Hey Rob, can you see the LeConte’s flying across the radar? It’s the little yellow dot…right near the Celery Farm. Good Birding!